Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Detroit 1921-1965

Ever wonder why there is such a huge open area in the engineering building? Well, you need a pretty big space if you are going to be working on airplanes-even a small one. The University of Detroit was the first university to offer a complete five-year program leading to a degree in aeronautical engineering in 1921. The new department had the backing of the United States Government, Aerial League of America and Detroit Chamber of Commerce. During World War II, the University conducted both primary and secondary Civil Aeronautics Authority flight training programs.

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However, with bigger planes and the advancement of technology, the cost of staying up-to-date with the developments in the aerospace industry became prohibitive. It was decided in June 1965, to phase out the Aeronautical Department. Although much of the technology associated with the automobile industry was concentrated in the Detroit area, the aerospace firms were located on the west coast.

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