Tag Archives: mascot

The case of the missing mascot: UD 1919 football team picture

On occasion I find some item on ebay that I think would be nice to have in the university archives. There was a posting for a “Large 1931 Press Photo University of Detroit College Football Team”. Did a little digging around because the uniforms did not look like the kind they wore in 1931. There was a listing on the back of the picture of the members of the team and I recognized one of the names “Walter (Tillie) Voss....

The Evolution of the Titans Mascot

The first name for the sports teams at the University of Detroit was “Tigers”. Don’t know why that name was chosen, but the football teams back in the early days of the university were called the Tigers and even the team cheers used the term. It was not until 1924 that the athletic board officially changed the team nick name to “Titans”.  It was felt that the old nickname “Tigers” was not exclusive enough and only created confusion with the...