Tag Archives: Safety Street

Safety Street: A UDMercy Halloween Tradition


Safety Street was started by the School of Architecture back in 1990. It grew to become a tradition for the entire campus with various sororities, fraternities, student organizations and university’s departments providing the booths, candy and activities such a face painting for neighborhood children. Hundreds of neighborhood children and their families have attended this free event. Here are a few pictures from past Safety Street activities. Have a safe and happy Halloween! Pat Higo, Archives and Special Collections Librarian...

Safety Street: UDM Halloween Tradition

In 1990 the University of Detroit Mercy chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) started Safety Street out of the concern for the safety of neighborhood children. The first Safety Street was set up at Kassab Mall where the architecture students created cardboard facades for neighborhood kids to get their treats. Local schools and daycare centers were invited to participate. Now the Halloween tradition has expanded to take over the whole fountain area in front of the student...